Sunday, January 24, 2016

Football Day In America

So which gang of millionaires do you want to see win today? Which multi-billionaire ego-maniac prick owner do you want to see even more enriched and bathed in glory at the end of this business day? Personally, I want the Cardinals to win, but that’s only because I like red and they have pretty little cartoon birds on their helmets. That’s the most compelling reason I can think of for rooting for any of them. Regardless of who wins, we’re still doomed to see Peyton Manning on TV every two minutes for the rest of our fucking lives on this lost planet … And that fuckin’ Papa John’s guy, oh that fuckin’ Papa John’s guy.


One Fly said...

Want the donks to lose ever so much and if everyone could lose at the same contest we'd all be better off.

Unknown said...

Personally, I want the Cardinals to win, but that’s only because I like red and they have pretty little cartoon birds on their helmets.

too funny! will keep this in mind as the game plays on...."put a bird on it!"