Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas In Trumpistan

Trump and Melania attended Christmas Eve services at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Episcopal church in Palm Beach, Florida, where, you can be sure, their prayers weren’t disturbed by the odors of the poor. The congregants, joyously anticipating all the jobs they’re going to create after the tax cuts kick in, gave the Trumps a standing ovation. As a special gift, I decided to share the thoughts of some Trump supporters posted in the comment section below the article. They warmed my heart and gave me hope for the future, and I just wanted to spread the good feeling around. Merry Christmas!

Behold, your fellow Americans:

Once again the Muslim loving liberals see what a great President Trump is and how he shows the world Christianity holds more positive messages than liberalism.
Merry Christmas!!!
Thank GOD ALMIGHTY we have a President who doesn't refer to 57 states or the Muslim call to prayer as 'the most beautiful music'

Merry Christmas Doc. This is wonderul...thanks. Papa Trump has brought Christmas home to us!

You're not a Christian. You're an arrogant, egocentric, narcissistic human that apparently has never made any mistakes in his/her life. He is standing up for Christians/Christianity like no president has in decades. Any REAL Christian is aware of that. What I have seen is many pretend Christians that are trying to demean/belittle our President under the guise of Christianity. You're a fraud. Does his past and present actions represent me perfectly, NO, but God will use who he wants and it looks like God knows what he is doing because he is blessing America and Isreal with this man.

Only God knows who is a "real" Christian and who is not. Although the Bible gives us lots of assurances of what it takes to be a real Christian, you'll notice a whole lot of folks claim to be one, and aren't. Remember the Usurper Obama claimed to be one. HA!

God is a republican

If you’re still not satisfied, have a little dessert: