Sunday, March 19, 2017

We Are All Trump

Trump is not an anomaly. He is not an aberration. He is not an unfortunate stumbling block on our road to perfect democracy.

Trump IS our destiny. He is the pitch perfect embodiment of the contemporary American soul. He is the zeitgeist. He is us. He is the ugly id brain of the ugly American, come to claim his birthright.

There is not one flaw in Donald Trump that doesn't apply to American culture generally.

Trump is a narcissist? So are we.

Trump is a bully? So are we.

Trump is an ignoramus who thinks the findings of science are a hoax?  Welcome to America.

Trump is a crass con man who would walk over your mother's corpse to make a buck? So would the rest of us.

I've expected the coming of Donald Trump for years.  I knew that a right wing despot was in our future since Reagan told us ketchup was a vegetable and Margaret Thatcher, echoing Ayn Rand, told us there was no such thing as society, only individuals. A right wing plutocracy was baked in the cake at that point. I always thought he would be a Bible thumper, but he was a reality TV star instead. How did I miss THAT? It's so obvious now.

Donald Trump said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote. That's the truest thing he ever said. If you want to know what this country is about, stop reading EJ Dionne and Paul Krugman.  Watch FOX News and listen to Limbaugh instead. That is who this country is, and Trump is their boy. They will love him forever. They will drag their asses over hot coals for him.

And when he fails to deliver those 30 dollar an hour manufacturing jobs, he will start bombing Muslims, and his adoring fans will love him for it.

Fox America will hoist the flag and start calling out traitors. It's going to happen. Wait for it.

A third of this country loves him, and they are stupid and mean. They never doubt the wisdom of their prejudices and they will beat you up.

This is what fascism looks like.

And the country will go along with it.

The country will go along with it because we have no alternative.

I dunno, we just couldn't think of one. We fancy ourselves as swell folks, but, you know, all we could muster is Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It was the best we could do. We just can't imagine anything more. Maybe Chelsea Clinton and Corey Booker will come along and make America safe for free trade again?

Christ, it's enough to make you long for Warren Harding.

All that is necessary for fascism to triumph is an inept liberal class.

Anyway, I refuse to spend too much time on Trump. He is a vampire and I won't waste another minute of my one and only life thinking about him. He is sickening and evil. He's not worth the paper I wipe my ass on.

And we can't beat him.

He has the full throated support of of one of our major political parties. Forget about the day-to-day gossip about Bannon hating Ryan, and Ryan hating Trump, and Trump hating Ryan. And forget about the fact that Mitch McConnell has a visage so loathsome it cracks mirrors and causes spontaneous abortions in cows. When push comes to shove, they band together, and they always will. They are the party of money, and you are poor. They will win, you will lose.

How is it that America, circa 2017, can do no better than these slimy reptiles? We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Don't like Trump? Look in the mirror.

Don't like Ryan? Look in the mirror. He always wins, doesn't he?

Don't like McConnell? Look in the mirror.

Why do these slimy reptiles keep making economic and education policy for us? Why?

Because we keep voting them into power.

They have constituencies. Their constituency is called America.

It's time to wake up and realize that this is a dumb, vicious country.

We elect dumb and vicious people because we are dumb and vicious. It really is that simple.

If we’re such great people, why do we have such shitty leaders?

1 comment:

doryman said...

Oh yeah, right on. In the early '90's, while on our way to dinner, my wife and I passed by a pro-war demonstration in our local state capital. The demonstration crossed the street and engulfed us on the sidewalk, walking in the opposite direction. I got jostled by the crowd (fortunately they seemed to leave my wife out of it...) and came out the other side realizing this was no longer the country I believed it to be, if it ever was. My only guess as to what our insult might be - we didn't abandon the sidewalk to them.
A person can get in a (serious) fight in America, simply by voicing an opinion, if they are not careful. Try suggesting war is not in our best interest.